Monday, March 11, 2013

Month 2 Results and Small Victories

The goal to rediscover my old/better self is still going strong - I have resisted all treats/desserts for another four weeks (that's 56 days total!) despite having to buy desserts for an office lunch, following a pickup truck for miles with its bed packed to the brim with boxes of Girl Scout cookies, and having a well-meaning business contact deliver a St. Patrick's Day cake to me at work, just to name a few of my temptations. I have to say the cravings are just about gone, but when someone puts a treat right in my face that I didn't have to pay for or make myself, it is harder to say no. I just ask myself if the treat will be better than my own amazingly delicious chocolate chip cookies with a tall glass of milk, and the answer so far is always no.  And in the meantime, I crave sugar less and less. Plus I do have sugar free jello from time to time to get me through the tough days.

I have slowed down a bit on the weight loss, but have still seen the scale drop a bit each week. I have also had a few small non-scale victories that have made it a rewarding journey so far. The first one being that I can now wear my wedding ring again. I could always get it on, but it was so tight that I was very aware of it being on my finger - like it was cutting off the blood supply or something. Now I can wear my engagement ring just fine (though the combined thickness with my wedding band is still too tight for me - a goal for next month maybe?). It feels good to wear it again - I really don't like when I am wearing another ring in it's place, like I have had to do for a portion of each pregnancy.

Victory number 2 was when I had a work event coming up where suits were required - I had been mixing dress pants with different jackets to try to find something that fit for previous events, but I could never button up the jacket. So when I had this mixer to attend a week or two ago, I decided to dust off a suit in the closet and try it on. And guess what? The pants fit AND I could button up the jacket. I was so excited! I proudly buttoned my jacket and did a big TA-DA! for Matt. Now the suit is not of course in a size that I am happy with, but to have a suit in my closet that fits is a blessing and a relief. No more scrounging in the closet and feeling less than professional. For someone who is coaching others on networking and making a good first impression, it's important that I can do what I'm asking of others.

So, without further ado, here are my Month 2 results:

Week 5: -3.1
Week 6: -0.9
Week 7: -2.6
Week 8: -2.4

4 week total: -9.0 lbs
Total lost overall (8 weeks): -25.6 lbs


Kara said...

Way to go girl!! I'm so proud of you! Motivates me to try to cut the sugar out!! I'm so addicted!! Easter candy is the worst too!! Ugh!

Ali said...

Way to go Shannon! I'm extremely impressed. I wish I could resist those dang girl scout cookies. :)

Beej said...

You rock.