Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Baby Boy Update

Baby Boy is doing great - at 21 weeks now and already almost a pound. The latest comparison in size is the length of a carrot... who comes up with these? 

 This kid is active! He is always moving around during my ultrasounds. This time with his hands on his face - pretty cute! I feel him kicking a lot, but not enough for anyone else to feel from the outside just yet.

And this is the photo that made Penelope think the baby is a monster... I can totally see it. The profile shots are much cuter. Seeing the eye sockets is sort of scary. 

Still a boy :) 

I am doing pretty good - I haven't gotten sick nearly as much with this pregnancy. I have had my share of rough days with the other three, so I figure it's only fair to have a few good days on this pregnancy. That said, I totally threw up in the shower this morning. :) What the heck? I usually stop this nonsense about now, though I did have morning sickness for five months with Claire.

I am gaining way too much weight, as usual. It will never be my privelage to have a cute little baby bump. My entire body is pregnant and it shows. I am still playing tennis once a week, and I really love it, though I can tell it will soon get hard to twist and bend like we need to. I am trying to find some time to start walking again. Mornings are freezing, evenings are so dark. I need a friend to walk with. Sigh. If I stick to our neighborhood I should be ok. I am taking progesterone hormones - just a small dose a day - but they make you kind of sleepy.

I have to attend a perinatologist at the high risk pregnancy center again this time but I also have to see the regular OB. It makes for double the appointments and half the time off left for materntiy leave. The specialist is more for the baby and the other is for me, that's my conclusion anyway, though both check everything out. I am switching doctors to have an OB in the north part of town so I can deliver at a closer hospital. I think I have found one and am switching in December. My specialist is amazing and I wish he could deliver the baby, though a nurse would do just fine at this point. I have found that FINALLY, at your fourth kid, you get some respect from the doctor's and nurses. I have heard a few times, "Oh, you know what you're doing then." Maybe this time they will actually believe me when I say my water broke instead of assuming I have just been wetting myself for the past hour... Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Paige Bailey said...

So excited for Baby Hiller #4! You are an old pro at this by now, right? And about the water breaking - mine was GUSHING out and they still thought I was making it up. Doc finally figured it out the hard way, though. ;)