Sunday, May 17, 2015

Matt's Graduation! or The Day Matt Became a Master

Two years ago, Matt decided to go back to school to get a Masters degree in Accounting. Accounting? Are you sure? Accountants are serious students. These are the people that I have worked with for the past 7 years. People who often live up to the stereotypes of a bean counter, number cruncher and pocket-protecting wearing nerd who would rather sit at a desk than talk to people. This was NOT Matt by any stretch of the imagination. He is a yellow/white personality with a splash of C and D thrown in... a people person, someone who is the life of the party and likes to joke around and not be serious. But this is what he wanted to do.  He enjoyed his undergrad accounting classes and felt that accounting would be a profession always in demand, something stable with a chance to grow a career. I think he was right.

This day was a long time coming - looking back it seems like the time went by fairly fast, but in the middle of a semester or the start of finals week with papers and tests due amidst soccer games, my work schedule, and church responsibilities, the days seemed long. But his hard work has paid off. Matt has a job lined up with a large national accounting firm called McGladrey (Mc G as Matt calls it), and he starts in November as an Associate Auditor.  They want him to study for the CPA exam this summer and take a few of the tests before he starts work full time. More studying... I guess we should all never stop learning. Is it my turn to go back to school? :)

After graduation (where we snuck out before the undergrad students walked across the stage), we went to BJs for dinner with Betty. We picked up the kids from a friend's house and headed out in the van - I got to sit in the back with these crazies.

All in all, it was a very great day! I am happy Matt chose to walk in the graduation ceremony - I like marking occasions like this and not letting them pass by. I never understood the people who didn't want to walk - I went back to BYU four months after moving to Las Vegas to walk with my graduating class.  We are very proud of you Matt!

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