Friday, May 29, 2015

Miles' Kinder Graduation

Miles had his kindergarten graduation ceremony this week. His class performed several songs and I confess I got a bit teary when they sang this I Love You song. They all did a great job! Miles is on the far right, top row. 

Miles' teacher this year was Mrs. Prince, but she was out the last month of the school year after having an operation to remove thyroid cancer. Ms. R (blonde hair) was her substitute. Mrs. Prince did come to the ceremony and we spoke with her afterwards - unfortunately her cancer has spread to her lymph nodes and she had to do more procedures, but she seemed confident she would be back next year.

When I grow up, I want to be... a Scientist! 
He was the only one to say Scientist in his class. Almost every other boy said police officer or firefighter.  He is an original, that Miles. He knows all of the 50 sight words needed to go into first grade, he likes math a lot and even chimes in with the answers on Claire's math homework sometimes. Miles insisted on wearing jeans almost every single day to school. All of his jeans have holes in BOTH knees but I let him wear them anyway. He wore a pair of khaki pants one day and came home with holes in them after just one recess. Not sure what the kid is playing out there on the blacktop but it's intense! All I know is that after a rough start to the year, he did a great job and he is ready for first grade!

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