Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mr. Henry

We were trying out our new camera lens with some help from our friend Emily, and trying to take photos of Henry before Penelope invaded each shot. She loves this kiddo and wants to be next to him ALL the time! Henry puts up with it, and I try to as well. I want her to keep the role of #1 Big Sister!

Henry is doing great! I love to see his little legs getting chunkier each week. It makes me feel a little bit proud, but mostly blessed, that I am able to nurse him and help him to grow. He is sleeping better at night - his schedule seems to be shifting a bit. But still only about 3 hours of sleep between feedings. He smiles a lot and likes to be held- all the time if possible.

1 comment:

Beej said...

Don't judge me...but I am bawling right now. Look at your beautiful kids! Sweet P adores him. And I wish I could hold him!! We gotta get a pic with him and the bride in Aug.