Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Words

A few weeks ago I was in SLC with my sister and she was doing the classic "don't make me count to three!" to her daughter. She said, 1...2... and Claire said "three!" My sister said - she is a freak of nature!! In a good way, of course. Claire is a little copy cat and she says a lot of words for being only 15 months old. Her first word was "Hi" at about 8 or 9 months old. She is getting really good at repeating what we say, and adding to her list of words. While we talk, she listens very closely and watches our mouths to see how they move so she can copy us. I tried to get her to say all of her words in one sitting, but of course that didn't happen. So here are a few that she says in video.

For journaling purposes, her words/sounds include:

1. Hi
2. Hello
3. Mama
4. Dada
5. Matt (repeated after I yell up the stairs for Matt)
6. Apple
7. Banana
8. Boo!
9. Moo (cow)
10. Uh oh
11. No (of course)
12. Up
13. Down
14. Bye
15. 1, 2, 3
16. Elmo
17. Em (Emily)
18. Grandma
19. Woah!
20. Dog
21. Cheese
22. Thanks
23. Hot
24. Mine
25. Roar! (Lion)
26. More
27. Ooh Ooh Ah Ah! (monkey)
28. Cock a doodle doo (rooster)
29. Choo choo! (train)
30. Eye
31. Nose
32. Ruff Ruff (dog)


Emily said...

Oh my gosh I am so freaking proud! I LOVE that she does the elephant just like Easton, and I love that she says Em. I can't believe you got her to sit there and say all those words. I tried that once and he looked at me like I was crazy.

You sure have one sweet, smart little girl!

Alifinale said...

What a little smarty pants! Her scrunchy face kills me though! She is so stinkin' cute.

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh that is so cute! I love their little voices.
We're going to miss you guys. I'm bummed we never did our bbq. :(

Mere and Matt said...

How cute!! She is quite a talker. Typical girl. :) Watching the video was a nice break from trying to help Matt with Inferential Statistics, which has become a dirty word in our house.

Karry said...


Erika said...

Honestly, will she come and teach Owen a few more words?

Stephanie Carmi said...

Holy Guacamole she is the cutest thing EVAR!!