Friday, February 13, 2009

Book Nerd

Matt likes to call me a nerd because I like to read all the time and have lately started reading like crazy thanks to borrowing books from a few friends, and having a bit more time at home with the new work schedule. When I was a kid we would go the library and I would check out the maximum amount per person, like 13 books.

But, I am in good company.

I love that Claire likes to read and look at books. She goes to sleep at almost every nap and at night with a book in her crib, and in the morning she has reached into the basket nearby and pulled in at least two or three more.


Lori said...

Shannon, Emilee and Megan LOVE books and the library too! Perhaps we should have a playdate soon?

Erika said...

I love "book nerds". My kids are all book nerds and it's great. Even before Katie could read she would sit and turn pages and pages of books with few or no pictures, i.e. her scriptures. Keep it up little nerdlet.

Stephanie Carmi said...

Claire's hair is getting so long! I love it!