Monday, March 16, 2009

Countdown to Friday

So, an overwhelming 95% of you said to find out what the gender of the baby is at our ultrasound this Friday... that is if the baby cooperates. I think I have Matt convinced - I know it won't be the same dramatic build up, but I will be excited just the same to find out who is in there.

I came up with my own list of top reasons to find out:

1. I can call the baby he or she - that was SUCH a tough thing for me last time - you can't say "it", that just sounds so callous; so you have to say "the baby" or make up a nickname. This way it's a no brainer

2. More presents - I think our family will spoil us more if they know in advance what we are having (hint, hint)

3. The economy - knowing ahead of time allows for budgeting and planning; what do we really need, how long do we have to save for it, etc. Smart, eh? No bailouts coming our way anytime soon so we have to make the best of things

4. Decorating - I can decide what to do with the office, make it Claire's or the baby's and have fun with a gender specific decor. Although I do love Claire's room, it turned out so cute! I kind of want to leave her in that room.

5. Name selection - with Claire we went into the hospital with at least four boy names and four girl names. I liked every single one of them too - we just had to see which name matched the baby that we were about to meet. This time we will have an even better chance of narrowing in on the perfect name to match the little spirit who comes to our house.

So, stay tuned. It will be just my luck that Junior will decide to be shy on Friday...


Kara said...

Yeah, I'm so glad you're finding out! Hey, I need some boy names- any you want to share? We don't even have one name we both like and we're about to have this baby!!

Stephanie Carmi said...

woohoo! do what you need to to get that baby active during the appointment! I ate a good meal before my ultrasound because I heard that might work - and it certainly did. GOOD LUCK for just a healthy one, though, with all the digits and such.

~ kietra ~ said...

Drink juice before your ultrasound so your little bug will be active!! :) YAYYYYY I am SSO excited you are finding out!! :)

Christi said...

I can't wait to hear what you are going to have! Claire is going to be such a cute big sister.