Sunday, February 5, 2012

Matt's Birthday "Week"

Ah, the birthday week. No one knows its exact origins (as my dad is known to celebrate the week as well), though I expect it's just when a birthday falls on a rather dull day of the week, like a Wednesday. A small celebration on the actual birthday stretches into the weekend's real party, with multiple celebrations and many references to "it's my birthday week" thrown out in order to get extra treats, eat out more often, and buy more presents in between the two events.

So, today marks the end of Matt's birthday week, along with the Super Bowl. Since the 49ers didn't make it, it's a bit of a let down for us. Though Betty was going for the Giants and Noah for the Patriots - I think the rest of us didn't really care who won. But since the day was also combined with Matt's birthday celebration, he got to pick our menu - pizza, 7 layer dip, mozzarella sticks, chips and salsa, and of course, Nothing Bundt Cake in chocolate chocolate chip. Delicious.

I had a hard time getting a photo of a non-silly face from Matt - he was teasing Miles so much about not letting blowing Miles help blow out the candles.

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