Tuesday, March 6, 2012

30 Weeks

Oh my little head of cabbage, growing so fast! Last week the baby measured at 3.25 lbs during my ultrasound, though this week the average weight is supposed to be just under 3 lbs. The doc is happy about the weight - since it means the hyper thyroid isn't affecting the baby. The size of the baby's thyroid is measuring normal too. It's just amazing to me that they can see the thyroid at all in something so small.

I am now 30 weeks and well into my third trimester. What fun it has brought! More blood work, now visiting with my primary doctor every 2 weeks, plus the specialist every 3 weeks and thyroid level tests in between those appointments somehow.

Baby's Forearm and Fist

I have no idea what to expect for when I will go into labor. May 15th is my due date, but I had Claire only 3 days before her due date and Miles was 3 weeks early. Where's the consistency?

Can I vent on my pregnancy woes for a second? Just so my children can appreciate me someday :)

1. I am already so uncomfortable when trying to sleep - I can't figure out the right combination of pillows to use. I had a dream the other night that I just needed one more pillow, but I couldn't find one. So I went to the fridge and grabbed a head of broccoli and held on to that instead. Which is funny, because I would never buy broccoli!

2. Because of my blood type (O-, RH-), I have to get a shot of this stuff called RhoGam in my bum this week. Since Matt has RH+ blood, our kids end up with positive blood too. If my blood mixes with the baby at any point during pregnancy or delivery, I would develop antibodies that would basically attack the baby (Rh disease). So, RhoGam is a good thing, but it hurts like heck.

3. I am gaining weight like a sumo wrestler in training. Those months of no weight gain are far behind me, and I have caught up to my usual weight around this time. Why must my face, arms and legs also be pregnant, not just my belly? Kiddo, your mom will never be the same. But you're worth it.

4. I am a cranky pants a lot of the time, and it's a good thing I don't say half the things I want to say at work or I would be fired :) I just want to be so blunt sometimes, but I don't. I really think I can blame the Grave's Disease a little bit...

Who knows what other fun the next 7-10 weeks will bring?


Emily said...

Vent away! Pregnancy does insane things to our bodies/moods/attitude.

I'm so happy that the baby looks good and healthy and that you are too. It really is amazing the things they can see and do while the tiny baby is in there.

So, my pillow situation is one at my feet to keep them propped up because I have recently started swelling...one between my knees, and if I can get away with it, one behind me, although steve doesn't appreciate that one so much.

Tylenol pm has been my constant sleeping companion the last 2 weeks. It helps me fall asleep fast and not have to think about things.

I should have just emailed you, this is long.

Erika said...

I hope your babies know just how much you love them. I hope my babies know how much I love them. Being a mom, being a pregnant mom, is tough stuff. I am truly grateful to be a mom, but had NO idea what I was getting into when I told Bob I'd marry him. I don't have silver snot like you, which is so chic, but we all have our own stories. I like to read your pregnancy woes. It brings back MEMORIES. One day this will all be memories for you. I wish I lived closer, just because.