Sunday, August 11, 2013

Miles: "I'm SO Glad to Not be Three Anymore!"

Miles Man turned FOUR! He was beyond excited to put Year Three behind him and commented on it all day with a tone of relief, something like, "man, that was super embarrassing to be associated with all those other three year olds- being four is way more awesomer."

I did a little series of flashback photos for Miles - he is always asking me to tell him about when he was a baby. He was the only one I was prepared for since I knew he was a boy. It was so fun getting ready and shopping for him, choosing boy names, and getting his room decorated in blue and brown. He is a very sweet and sensitive little boy who is also very rough and tumble at the same time. It's a good combination most of the time, but sometimes it's hard to know how to handle different situations with him - do we push him to try harder and not be scared, like when he just swam for the first time, or does he need some quiet time with mom or dad to just snuggle. He is the only one of our kids to wake us up at night anymore, and he is the first one up in the morning just about every single day. On days and nights when I am so tired and sometimes get cranky in a hurry, I try to remind myself that this little guy won't want me to carry him back to bed for much longer. And I won't be able to even if I wanted to because he is getting so big! He almost wears the same shoe size as Claire now. Hard to believe he started out as this little peanut:

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