Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kid Quotes - Growing Up!

The kids, especially Miles, is very concerned with getting older and all the things he has to do now that he is a wise five year old. 

He recently said he wishes he was 3 years old again so he didn't have to go to school and could just play. He thinks it's not fair that Penelope gets to stay home and skip school. I told them there were good things about getting older like getting to go on roller coasters. And there are bad things too. Claire pipes up and says, "Yeah, like paying taxes!" 

Miles asked me, "How come the more you get taller the less you get to play?? You get to have less fun." I told him that I still get to do fun stuff like going to play basketball and tennis, and sometimes I go out with my friends to the movies or dinner. He said, "That's kids stuff I guess - ok, fine." 

We went over to my aunt and uncle's for dinner Sunday. Miles asked Kevin, "What's your name again?" Kevin said I can't believe you don't know my name, I've known you all your life! By this point Miles had walked a few yards away and he yelled back, "I can't believe you would say that to a five year old MAN!" 

Driving to soccer practice, there was a sprinkler broken on side of street, spraying about ten feet into the air next to a sign flipper, those guys who dance around holding the big signs on the corner. He started walking towards the water and we wondered if he would go under it. Claire said, "I would! Because that looks really refreshing!" Refreshing? Her word choice kill me. 

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