Saturday, September 13, 2014

Soccer Mom Yet Again

And yes, I even drive a mini van. The image is complete :)

Both Claire (#12) and Miles (#8) are returning to their same teams this year - Claire is on the Tiger Lillies and Miles is on the Sharks. I have really liked our league for the most part, but it is just too far away now. We need to start researching North Las Vegas options. Practice becomes almost a 3 hour adventure and that is just too long for two school nights a week.

Claire finally has a girly color for her uniforms and the team is so happy! I liked orange best - it matched the Tiger Lillies name!

Miles has scored a goal in the last two games - he is really enjoying his team and he seems to "get it" a bit more and is going for the goals more often. 

1 comment:

Becky said...

So much fun. I don't know how you all do it in that heat though.