Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thoughts on Baby Names

People always want to know if we have any baby names picked out. I am used to having a list of girl and boy names to choose from and going to the hospital without a final choice. It was interesting - I looked back on a list I had for Claire, and Penelope was a name on the short list. I had forgotten I liked that name before!

I am also used to calling the baby "it" the entire pregnancy and I find myself doing it this time too, even though I know a little boy is the one kicking my bladder all night.

So it's kind of weird to have all this time to figure out a boy name. I also think boy names are harder to pick than girl names - boy names become girl names in a matter of a few years, less than ten a lot of times (in my expert opinion). So a boy named Riley in middle school now has a ton of baby girls named Riley to confuse everyone on the class roll. I like names that are clearly gender specific, but for boys that often leaves only biblical names and old fashioned boy names that will most likely stay masculine and are therefore, very popular and overused.

I feel a lot of pressure when it comes to choosing a name - so even though I know people are just making conversation when they ask me about names, it puts me in a tough spot. If I tell you a name and then you don't like it and go so far as to tell me so, well now what? Do I have to change my name choice? Or if you tell me a story about a boy who had that name who picked his nose and ate it in kindergarten, or who was a bully in high school, does that mean my baby will turn out the same? The answer to all is "no" but it still makes me feel awkward.

And don't even get me started on the lady at work who is into numerology and how each letter has a number and letters in your name can bring good or bad luck. Apparently L is a good letter to have in your name, so my first three kids are safe. Phew!

Guess we will find out in a month or so what this little guy is to be named, though we do have a few strong favorites, despite knowing not everyone loves them. But once you have announced the name, what can everyone say now? It's a done deal. :)

1 comment:

Erick and Megan said...

I love this post so much! You got every name issue I have just right! How can I explain all my rules and feelings and emotions to one random grocery store stranger in five seconds?? I