The view from our tent
I've decided that camping is all about the food - I think I really stayed so I could have these amazing pineapple doughnut treats - cake doughnuts, cut in half, layered with a slice of pineapple, butter and brown sugar then wrapped in foil and cooked on the fire. Carmely, hot and yummy! I ate two. Plus we had steaks, bacon, eggs, the works.
Claire bundled up in her way too big coat
And plus, Claire saw snow for the first time, had a good time with cousin Noah, and slept in our tent all bundled up. I think she had fun, and I am glad we stayed.
Claire and Noah
Now for the worst part about camping - unpacking and cleaning all the smokey clothes, tents, sleepings bags, etc.
Dang, you guys are troopers. We packed up all our stuff to go camping up by where Chris is from and there was snow on the ground and it was raining and hailing and windy, and we chickened out! We built a fire and roasted Marshmallows instead and had a cookout today, and I still froze the whole time! I'm so used to this warm city! I should be ashamed of myself for being such a wimp- Claire hacked it, why can't I?
Love Claire's socks. She still looks adorable. You should be thankful for the snow and cold. It probably kept the flies out of your ears.
Yes, Matt is wearing overalls for the camp out - pretty hot, huh? He saves those for special occasions.
I was actually going to comment on the overalls, too. Love them. Very hot and stylish.
How cute are these bundled up kiddos? I wish the weather had been warmer so I didn't have to drive home every night. Maybe next year!
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