Friday, September 5, 2008

No news is good news?

Probably not in this case. Yes, we have more going on in our lives than this truck thing, but I can't get my recent pics off my camera from our trip to CA to see my parents... something wrong with our adapter cable thingy. I will write about that in ab it.

So, two weeks and one day later, no word on the whereabouts of the Ford. 20 days to a vehicle payout - here we come!


Emily said...

Ummmm, I've been a little behind on blogging, so this truck crap (that's right CRAP...cause that's exactly what it is) is news to me. I'm so sorry guys! I'm crossing my fingers that your insurance overpays you and you get something awesome out of all of this. STINK!

C Crane said...

Will your home owners/renter insurance pay for the equipment? they should.