Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Traditions

We made gingerbread houses with the Hillers tonight - this time with some really cute mini houses for the kids. Miles had fun eating and destroying the decorations on the same gingerbread man over and over again, while the boys worked on a really cool full-size house.

Another tradition is to buy new Christmas movies and music to add to our collection - this year we added Olive the Other Reindeer. It is pretty cute, but we already have our favorite movies (Elf, Rudolph, Fred Clause, etc) so we are branching out with this one. I think we will go old school next time with White Christmas and Holiday Inn.

My new favorite Christmas CD is Andrea Bocelli Christmas - it is sooo good! The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, the Muppets, and Mary J. Blige make an appearance too.

And I have already mentioned my Candy Cane Joe Joes, but a new Christmas treat addition/addiction are Mint M&Ms. I completely blame my sister in law Megan for introducing them to me in the first place. They are so good!


Kara said...

I LOVE the mint M&M's too! They're my favorite- and the Cadburry Christmas eggs too! That's so cool that you have a real cowgirl friend that shows you around during NFR every year. Im jealous and sad that we didn't do anything this year during NFR. We have been to the Rodeo several times and I always go to Cowboy Christmas- but was just too busy this year.

Beej said...

Try the candy cane Hershey's Kisses. Oh JUDY!!

Becky said...

Love the traditions. We need some around here. Oh, I love Holiday Inn and White Christmas. I was just thinking yesterday that I need to find them and buy them. "Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters..."

Jacqui said...

How is Fred Claus? Is it family friendly? We love the Santa Claus 2 and 3 movies. And Elf, of course.

I had something else I was going to ask you, but in true form, my brain isn't functioning. ;) I am sure it will come to me.

Appreciated your post about being rude back to the rude lady at the chocolate place. Probably eight years ago a guy was totally rude to us as we were pulling into a parking place. His teenage son stepped into the parking place after we had already turned in and Jeff had to hit the breaks. The guy yelled at Jeff--really gave him a piece of his mind--and I was all rearing to freak out back at him. But Jeff simply said, "I am so sorry, sir." The guy totally cooled off immediately. He actually seemed flustered, like he'd be bracing for a knock-down, drag-out but was met with sincerity. It was a huge lesson to me. I am like you--ready to pop off when someone is rude to my kids--but I agree with isn't worth it and just makes you feel like a double jerk. Thanks for your honesty. We've all been there!

Jacqui said...

Ha! I just saw that you can actually see the post without tabbing back! Whoa. Did you know about that little "See the Post" bar up next to where it says, "3 comments?" Now I can remember what I was going to say! Woo!

Have you heard David Archuletta's Christmas CD? It's fabulous!! I will have to try Andrea Bocelli. Thanks for the recommendation.

Erick and Megan said...

Now if only I could find any mint MMs!! Even Target is sold out!! Had to make do with cherry cordial and while they are good they are def no mint. Now I will have to listen to the Andrea cd!