Monday, December 20, 2010

Second Attempt with Santa...

...Went about the same as the first.My Aunt Cindy had Santa come to her house after a family dinner, story time with props (The Writer Mouse) and gift exchange. The mouse writes stories using his tail dipped ink, and I think the kids' favorite part was getting to unroll toilet paper that the mouse uses to write his notes on.

Neither Claire or Miles would sit with Santa. Though Claire was the first to say hello and the last to say goodbye to him, she didn't want to sit on his lap because "Santa is weird and old." So, there you go. Thanks for trying Cindy! It was a very fun night!

Miles would give Santa a high five but that was about it. If Santa tried anything like trying to get Miles on his lap or to stand by him, this is how it went:

1 comment:

Emily said...

Old and weird, ha ha ha ha ha!!! So funny Claire.

Merry Christmas you guys!