Friday, May 25, 2012

It's the Simple Things

Here are some of the exciting things that I have done since being newly not-pregnant:
1. Bent over and picked up a piece of lint on the carpet
2. Ate Thai food
3. Slept on my back
4. Drank my favorite smoothie that had previously given me heartburn (too much citrus)
5. Sat up straight in bed (no more rolling out!)
6. Ate a Chicago style hot dog from Sonic
7. Laid down on Miles' bed - the bottom bunk is hard to squeeze into when you can't bend over
8. Gave Matt a really good hug where I didn't feel a huge belly width away
9. Ate pizza with red sauce
10. Brushed my teeth without gagging

Notice a theme? I have been eating all my forbidden pregnancy foods this past week. I better get my fill soon because the diet is knocking on my door... This little girl is worth it - here she is in one of the first of many cute accessories.

1 comment:

Becky said...

How did you like the hot dog from Sonic? It's my favorite! I love her headband.