Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lessons Learned From Mom

Happy Mother's Day! I am writing this a week in advance so I can be sure to get it done before I'm in the hospital. I wanted to record a few things that I have learned from my mom. Sometimes the lessons came much later, often after I became a mom myself and could understand better where she was coming from.
Serve others: In our church, we have volunteer callings where we serve in different positions for a few years at a time. I have a few distinct memories of my mom serving that have made me realize the value of service. I remember being taken with my siblings to the homes of women in our church that needed a visit or help in some way. She must have had at least four of us with her - I don't think Matty was born yet. I don't like taking two kids to the grocery store, let alone four on visits all over town, because it stresses me out when they don't behave. And where I grew up, people didn't live right around the block like they do here in Vegas. Each home we went to was probably 25+ minutes away. But that was what we did once a month, every month.

The other memory is of my mom's car accident when I was about 11 or 12 - she was pulled under our car and basically crushed while waiting at the bus stop with my brother. I wasn't there, but my dad was called to the scene while on-duty at the fire station. He told us that while the paramedics were working on her and checking her injuries (which included many broken bones), after my brother and the family, her first concern was to make sure someone told the ladies at church that she wouldn't make it to the activity that night where she has some responsibilities. I think that would be the last of my worries, but it taught me how much she valued her callings.  

Work hard: My mom seems to always be in motion. She is outside pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, collecting eggs, feeding the animals, blowing leaves off the deck, and then it's 7 am and the rest of us wake up. I need to be more like that.

Always look your best: I can probably count on one hand the times I have seen my mom not ready for the day. And she has always exercised, taken vitamins, and taken care of herself. Sometimes I was annoyed at her for getting after me to do my hair, especially if I went to school with wet hair. I just wanted to just get out the door, especially for early morning seminary (5:30 am!). But when I have had a job interview or just going to work every week, I am happy that I had someone to get on my case about looking my best and making a professional impression.  

Love good music: Now we might disagree on our favorite music, but I love that we always had music in our home. Whether it was the piano playing, dad on the guitar, or my mom blasting her stereo... Celine Dion Christmas CD, anyone? Shh! We actually loved a few of those songs... And as much as we may have resisted, I am glad I learned to play an instrument and to read music. I plan to give the same exact "punishment" to my own kids.
Show your silly side sometimes: As a kid, we loved it when we could get our mom laughing uncontrollably. Those times did not come often, but when they did we really felt like we had accomplished something. She also would do a few silly things if we asked very nicely - one of our favorites being her impression of the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz. Hilarious! I think I am pretty calm and some would say serious for the most part - but every now and then I wear silly socks and dance a jig for the kids, or hunch up my shoulders and act like I'm racing the car (while at a stop light of course). They think I am so funny! :) I should probably let that silly side show a bit more. And she will probably hate me for posting this (and I had promised not to previously), but I just had to include this photo. I love you mom!I know there are more things I could write, but I am having contractions and am getting distracted. :) Happy Mother's Day!


Mere and Matt said...

I love this post and I love your mom, even though I have only met her a few times. What an awesome lady. Hope your baby gets here quick! Can't wait.

Stephanie Carmi said...

I love your mom. She is THE BEST, and I can tell by this post that you know how very lucky you are to have her. She influenced me in many of the same ways! Love you Mary!