Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I think this is how Penelope liked to sit in the womb too - she was such a strong kicker, and I felt like she was occupying every square inch of space available to her. She doesn't like being swaddled all too much and wants to just stretch out - I will be nursing her and notice that her legs are straight out in the air. And check out those feet. This is going to be a tall little girl.


Erika said...

I love reading your blogs and seeing your pictures! Penelope is absolutely precious! I love how she has to stretch those long skinny legs out. I love that your beautiful nails were painted for your delivery. I love that you have your sweet sister to come and hang out with your kids. I love that Miles needed a spy kit. I love Claire wanting to do crafts. We need to get together. Our kids have a lot in common, except the long leg thing. I am their mom...sigh.

Stephanie Carmi said...

She is hilarious with those legs! what a funny baby.