Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cute Day

While Miles got his cast on (finally - more to come on that), I took Claire and Penelope back to my office. We had been at the doctor's office for more than an hour and Miles had just been called back. Instead of waiting another hour or more, I thought I would be able to get some work done back at the office once Penelope went to sleep and Claire could just play in the empty office across the hall from me. Well, the latter half of that plan worked, but Penelope never fell asleep. Instead we had visitors and distracted everyone else from working.

A girl at work said it was "Cute Day" in the office because I had Penelope and Claire there, plus one of our partners had brought in his little dog who sat on a leather chair in his office all day. I think my girls were much cuter than the dog, but I'm not a dog person. :)

Another co-worker snapped these shots of PBTK's newest employees.

Claire had so much fun in her office - she asked to shut her door so she could make a phone call. She played on the 10-key and wrote out her name and various words and numbers on sticky notes. I do get sort of excited by fun office supplies, so I can't say I blame her.

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