Monday, November 7, 2016

Claire's Run for Office

While the rest of the country is in heated debate over the Presidential election, we have been focusing on a more happy topic - Claire's student council election. She is running for secretary for the whole school. Only fourth and fifth graders can run.

This is the campaign slogan we came up with - we thought it should rhyme: If you breathe air, vote for Claire!

Well everyone breathes air right! So everyone should vote for her! :)

Claire Hiller
Student Council Speech
November 1, 2016

If you saw my Halloween costume, you know I love Star Wars!

What do you get when you cross Darth Vader with an elephant? An Ele-vader!
Why did the angry Jedi cross the road? To get to the Dark Side.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away [Hayden Elementary School], a brave young warrior was running for class secretary. I am that warrior: my name is Claire Hiller and I am in Ms. Katz’s fourth grade class.

I would be a good secretary because I have the special powers of organization, dedication and imagination. I am also a note-taking, list-making Jedi!

I will use the Force to help Hayden be a wonderful school for all of us.  One idea I have for a community service project is to start a Hayden Garden. This Garden will teach us about growing fruits and vegetables and eating healthy food. It will also provide food for families who need it. I believe we can all make our own corner of the Galaxy a little bit better by working together.

So, in conclusion, I would love to be your class secretary.  Remember, if you breathe air, vote for Claire!

She did great on her speech - I am biased but I can honestly say it was one of the best, out of like 25 students who were running for different offices. Maybe all those church primary talks and programs have helped with her public speaking :) She isn't afraid to get up in front of people - it's pretty amazing! 

All of the candidates for each office - I was so happy I could attend the assembly to hear the speeches! 

Charming people and kissing babies to win their votes! 

These three all ran for a different office - and are all in Claire's class. Her teacher, Ms. Katz, is the Student Council advisor. 

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