Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thankful Thursdays

Happy November!  I am going back to my tradition of Thankful Thursdays this year where I record some of the things I am most grateful for this month.

I was listening to a podcast recently that suggested keeping a running list of all the things you are thankful for and returning to that list frequently, especially when having a bad day. Another suggestion was to keep a list of things you are grateful for specifically about your spouse. I liked that idea a lot! The speaker said to think about the things you think are "secretly cool" about your spouse. So, I wanted to start out my November gratitude list with a few things about Matt for which I am thankful:

1. He lets himself show his emotions when he is feeling the Spirit and doesn't shy away from sharing his testimony 

2. He is honest about his feelings

3. He can teach a lesson at church with a minute's notice and do an amazing job, complete with stories and visual aids! 

4. He helps me have the time and resources to do the things I need to stay sane and happy - like time to go to tennis, get my hair done, spend money on clothes in new smaller sizes (yes!) without feeling guilty about it

5. He irons all of his own clothes and does most of his own laundry 

6. Other people come up to me and tell me how funny he is and that he helps them feel happy during stressful times like at work or a busy church meeting

7. He gives great back rubs

8. He is affectionate

9.  He is a saver (when I'm a spender)

10.  He tells me I am beautiful and has done so at all stages of our marriage

So this is the start of my "Things That I Think are Secretly Cool About Matt" list - I guess they aren't so secret now. But I am thankful for him and am looking forward to focusing more on all of my many blessings this month. 

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