Saturday, November 12, 2016

Henry - 19 Months

Time is speeding up - and I'm missing the milestones I like to record for each of our kiddos. Henry is now 19 months old so we have tried the nursery class at church (for kiddos 18 months -3 years) a few times and he is NOT a fan. He cried so hard and for so long that they brought him out to me after about 30 minutes the first time, one hour the next time, and then last week he made it through two hours! Three-hour church is brutal with a toddler. I just imagine we are the ward's entertainment and try to not lose sight of why we are at church in the first place.

Henry is finally saying a few words, though not consistently. He said Mom the other day after some coaching - he has been saying Dad for awhile now. I was repeating to him over and over "Mom, Mom, Mom." And then I thought, why am I trying to add one more kid to the cacophony of voices all shouting my name?!

He is very good at saying "No." He also has his B words down pretty good like bubbles and Bubba. He says P for Penelope, and recently added in "poop" - yay.  He says Cuh for Claire, just like the other kids did.  He also says tree, oh, woah, hot, and uh-oh. That's about it.

He also signs a bit too - milk, more, all done, drink, bird. You know, the basics. :) Mostly he points and grunts and we do get whatever it is he wants.

Henry makes the cutest surprised face - his mouth into a little "O" and he looks adorable. He makes this face when we show him something new, or he hears a bird or a dog (his favorite), or just points to the moon or an airplane in the sky. Living somewhat near an air force base means we hear loud planes and jets all the time.

He is very snuggly and is my only child to still sleep in my arms at this age. He also requires TWO blankets (night-nights) to go to sleep. I used to have one as the backup that I could use while the other one was getting washed. Then one day he saw both of them and cried until he had them. His bedtime routine is first a warm bottle (he is the only one to like cow's milk as a baby). Then we  take both blankets and go into his room to look at the glow in the dark stars up on his wall.  It is decorated with a Star Wars theme right now - can't do a baby nursery when you share with big brother. He has to touch a few of the stars and we talk about them for awhile. Then I sing him a song or two and he usually lays down in his crib quietly. Every now and then he wants to stay up. For the most part, Miles is helpful as a roommate. He does bring Henry to me quite often and I wonder if Henry would just fall back asleep if Miles wasn't there to scoop him up.

Henry is a happy, good-natured little guy. But to quote Miles, "Henry is the boss of us all." We are all his to command. Maybe that's why he doesn't talk very much yet - he doesn't have to.

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