Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ali in Vegas = Happy Shannon

We met at girl's camp when we were maybe 12 or 13 and that led to a friendship in our Freshman year of high school that has lasted through the years (we won't say just how many years exactly...).

High school basketball teammates, church dance dancers, seminary classmates, dance festival line dancers (remember that?), AP English survivors, EFY rommmates (I will NEVER go to BYU!), road trip buddies, penpals (back when you actually wrote handwritten letters), college roommates, intramural teammates, and now moms, wives, and still friends. Ali, it was so good to see you and Jeremiah!


Ali said...

Squinty Eyes Steed strikes again!!!

Shanny it was so good to visit with you too! It was too short! Now I need to plan how I can get you to move back to CA. Can you believe that we first met at Camp Ritchie as 12 year olds?!?!

Stephanie Carmi said...


Jacqui said...

How fun! You both look great. Shan, you have amazingly gorgeous hair. Jealous!! I need to come stay with you in Vegas for a weekend sometime. Let's plan it!