Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rest in Peace DVR

So, we finally did it - we cancelled our cable. We have been talking about it for about a year, but we were always one sporting event away from calling Cox Cable. First the World Cup, then football season and the Super Bowl, and we just had to draw the line before March Madness starts up.

I am honestly excited to watch less TV - I don't even mind only having 7 or 8 channels. But I am having DVR withdrawls. I feel like we have stepped back into the dark ages - watching TV live seem so... barbaric! :)

It is hard to explain to Claire why we can't pause a show while she runs to the bathroom, or pull up the latest episode of Phineas and Ferb at any time of day. Our kids are growing up with such a different experience with technology, aren't they?

But for now they will have to learn to love PBS.


The Scholer Family said...

Netflix or Hulu......a LIFESAVER!!!!! We don't have cable either and this is what saves me!!!!!!

kh said...

ahhhh this is exactly why I've never allowed myself the luxury of DVR or Tivo...I know I'd be too addicted and not have the will power to cut it of. So brave of you!

Erika said...

We just had this conversation with our kids yesterday. "Back when Mom and Dad were kids we couldn't rewind or pause TV." "What? What did you guys do?" Seriously? Good luck without the insanity of the tube.

Erick and Megan said...

I hear ya! We got rid of ours and got Netflix a few months ago. Oh tell Matt I watched Pushing Daisies. Wasn't that his show? I loved it!