Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Da- Ew!!

Claire's latest thing is saying "ew!!" to several things she sees on TV or in real life, including any kissing or romance, or bugs, or slime, or many other random things, like people falling in Wipe Out or even cartoons on Disney.

So in the spirit of Valentine's Day, here are a few things she has said "ew!" to lately:

When Matt and I share a quick hug or kiss in the kitchen, and she can see us through the archway, she says something like - "WHAT are you guys doing? Ew!"

I told Claire that Matt and I were going on a date, and she asked why. I said because we love each other, in a schmoopy voice, and she said, "Is it cause, you're married or something?! Ew!"

While watching Enchanted, when Patrick Dempsey leans in to kiss the princess to wake her from the curse, with romantic music in the background and a slow lean in, and Claire busts out with her latest word - it's getting kind of annoying, though I must say I am encouraging it in a way.

I told her that you have to be married before you can kiss someone like that on the lips. Here's hoping she believes me at least until she's 16.

Then again, as we were leaving from church yesterday she asked me out of the blue, "Mom, are you in love?" It kind of took me back - I don't know when I was last asked that question, or had to give an answer. They must have talked about Valentine's Day in primary class or something. Of course I said yes, and then she said, "Oh, because you are married to Dad?" Yes Claire, that's right. Happy Valentine's Day Matt!


Laura said...

ha ha she is such a cute girl!! I love hearing the funny things that little kids say!

Kara said...

She's too funny! I love her expressions in both of these pictures too. I have been trying to share my water with Nathan or I took a bite of a strawberry and tried to give him the other half and he looked at me like I was CRAZY!! I wanted to say, "I gave birth to you, you can share a water bottle with me"! Geesh!

Becky said...

I love this post. Oh Miss Claire, you are so funny. I want to hear her say it though! I wish she had been doing it when we were there. Kinley doesn't say ew but she covers her eyes. I love it too!

Erika said...