Friday, February 4, 2011

Stir Crazy

Well, it seems just like many other families lately, we have all been sick for the past 3+ weeks. I think we were just giving each other different colds over and over. Claire would come into our room at 3 am and say, "Mom, my nose isn't working." You and me both, kiddo.

We tried to stay inside as much as we could, but that is a long time to keep kids cooped up in the house. We turned our living room into a jungle gym, fort, race track, movie theatre, picnic site, and anything else we could do with couch cushions, pillows, blankets, and of course, snacks. And who needs a doll when you have a willing little brother to sit in your stroller.


Nicole said...

Us too! Ya everyone has been sick for a month not fun!

Becky said...

Amen about the stroller. Gabe and McKinley discovered that this weekend. I have had her darn stroller hidden for months. I cannot stand it any more, it's always in the way. But, she found it, and in went Gabe. What a mean mom I am. Sorry about still being sick. I'm really sorry, especially if we started you off with it.