Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Talk

Claire gave her first talk in Primary on Sunday - this the children's Sunday School class in the LDS church. She is three and a half, and already she's been asked to speak in public. She did well and repeated her lines as I whispered them in her ear, though not until after staring at me with a funny face for a few seconds (see second photo for a taste of the silly look she was giving me up in front of the group). I had a moment of panic, thinking she was going to just freeze up. I had a short version and a longer version (2 minutes total) prepared complete with visual aids, so after her silly faces I went with the shorter version of her talk on Heavenly Father's Plan for Me. She is such a little lady now - Claire, you can't grow up anymore! Seriously.


Becky said...

I am taking a mini-break from the hospital and thought I needed to see what is happening in Hiller Land. Claire and Miles look so cute in their Sunday clothes, and I am positive Claire did an amazing job. I love her goofy face. McKinley is the exact same way, she is always volunteering herself for the scripture or prayer.

Erika said...

I would love to have Owen and Claire in the same Sunbeam class.