Friday, February 18, 2011

Miles - 18 Months

Miles Man is now 18 months old and is such a character - he is loving, cuddly, spunky and adventurous. He is getting taller, though he is all torso with short little legs. He can still wear 12 month old pants, but he is in 18 month or even 24 month shirts. Here are his stats from his well-check this week:

Height: 33 inches (50-75%)

Weight: 24.2 lbs (25%)

Head: 47.5 cm (25-50%)

Miles' favorite movie is Toy Story 3 - he can find it on the shelf of DVDs every time. He has sippy cups with Woody and Buzz on them, and likes to point out the characters to me over and over again. He is starting to say more words and is still really good at signing. People outside of our family might not understand all of his words, but he can say:

1. Mama
2. Cuh (for Claire)
3. No
4. All done
5. Got it
6. Hot
7. Penny
8. Charlie (so says Uncle Charlie)
9. Da-da
10. Shoe
11. Ball
12. Go, go, go! (from the song on the Cat in the Hat show)
13. It's cold!

Miles loves, loves, loves his sister and all of her toys and accessories, as you can see from his pink glasses.

1 comment:

Becky said...

He is so cute, and I love the pink glasses. I often find Gabe wearing McKinley's necklaces or putting on her girly glasses or hats. I think Danny cringes when he sees it, but I think it's funny. Miles is saying a lot of words. That's awesome.

I'm still wishing we could have had that taco sald dinner with you guys. Some day...maybe.