Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Birthday Week

I am not sure who started the birthday week in our family - my mom says it was me, which is very likely because with a birthday that always fell around Memorial Day weekend, I would usually have to move my birthday party so my friends could attend before or after their vacations. So, the birth-week was born - more days to celebrate, get out of doing things you don't want to do (i.e. chores), and eat whatever you want. Why not celebrate for more than just one day?

This year Matt's birthday was on a Tuesday, so he also got to extend his party until Sunday dinner at the Hiller's. Nothing Bundt Cake in chocolate chocolate chip was of course the b-day cake, and this year the entertainment was the Super Bowl. I think Matt just didn't want the Steelers to win, but I was watching for the commercials, which were kind of disappointing this year. I digress. So, Happy Birthday Matt and congratulations to the Packers!

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