Monday, August 15, 2011

This Girl....

... cracks me up! Here are some of her latest gems:

"Mom, pickles have these tiny, weeny seeds and if you put the pickle seed into the ground it grows a pickle tree!"

We were looking at Miles' cute little legs and I said can you believe this guy used to be in my stomach (meaning, he has grown a lot), and Claire said, "Did you swallow him Mom?"

"Can we get a new house with a back door?" i.e. with a backyard. Our house now has zero lot lines - a very small amount of space around our home is actually ours. I hear ya, Claire.

I found our food scale up in Miles' room and asked Claire what it was doing up there. She said, "It is for my presentation. I have a work job to do." I guess I have been talking about work lately...

Dressing up at MeMa's with a little girl-sized wedding dress... I am sooo not ready for that! But Claire was so happy - she loved wearing it!