Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big Sur

Big Sur is a beautiful forest of redwoods - impressive for adults, not so much for soon to be four and two year olds. We thought Claire would just love it, but at one point she said, "Is THIS why we came here?" gesturing to the massive trees above her. Yes, Claire, it is. And you will appreciate it someday.

Matt and I made a stop here on our honeymoon as well, but on this trip, one of the main trails had been closed due to a fire. We missed out on some of the larger trees and a waterall. Maybe even Claire would have been impressed with a waterfall... :)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love it, "Yes Claire, that is why we are here." Let the teenage years begin. I swear it starts when they are 4, or almost 4. Yikes! But beautiful pics. Wish we could have been there too.