Thursday, August 11, 2011

Miles Man Turns 2!

Miles was in Toy Story heaven this year for his birthday - he got so excited with his new hat and holster, plus the "action figures" (not dolls, says Matt) that he received. Something I never noticed was that Woody doesn't have a gun in the movies - Papa Hiller had to remedy that, and made Miles one out of wood with his name carved into it.

It is so fun to have this boy in our family - he gives the best hugs and insists on hugging and kissing each of us before he takes a nap or goes to sleep at night. He smiles a lot but his laughs are rare. He seems to have no fear when it comes to climbing, running, jumping and wrestling. Miles jumps off of everything he can climb - we are sure to end up in the ER again someday.

Miles can say a lot of words now, but still communicates with grunts and sounds with his mouth closed. I guess we can understand what most of his sounds mean, because we can answer him. Why should he talk? :)

He wears size 2T shirts and 18 month pants, but can even fit into some 12 month shorts - he is all torso. He likes to play in the water, eat lollipops and popsicles, and make forts out of the couch cushions. He loves animals, especially dogs. His favorite movies are Toy Story 1, 2, and 3 (of course), Mary Poppins and Winnie the Pooh. We call him Meloshe or Manzer more than his real name, and he also answers to Stinky. And we think he's getting cuter by the month, if that's possible. Happy Birthday Miles!


Emily said...

Happy Birthday Miles! I can't believe our kids are two...just blows my mind.

That gun is the cutest thing ever! What a lucky little boy. And I'm licking the computer at those cookies and bundt cake. I must need sugar.

Let's play soon!

Kara said...

Happy Birthday Miles! Man, time sure does fly! And I agree, he does get cuter and cuter every day!

Jacqui said...

That is a party that Babe would love! She's obsessed with Woody. When asked what she wants for her birthday next month she says, "Another Woody!" She has the talking one and probably five others, big and small.

Can't believe he's two already! He is adorable.

Stephanie Carmi said...

um, that last picture is THE BEST! He is so adorable.