Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Fix

I just couldn't bring myself to cut Claire's hair as short as the shortest piece that she cut, so my friend Shelly brought up the length all around and gave Claire layers so the chunk Claire took out doesn't stand out quite as much. You can still see the shorter pieces, but I am just going to pin it back on that side til it grows back.


Emily said...

Oh my gosh I love it! She's such a doll!!!!!

Kara said...

Oh Claire, she's so cute, she can pull off any kind of cut! And yay for Shelly coming to the rescue! I'm glad you finally saw her, was this the first time seeing her baby girl? How is she? Guess who I saw yesterday- Katy Player- in Panaca. She's in Chris' parents and brothers' ward.

The Scholer Family said...

Ohhhh Shannon, you weren't kidding!! She got it good!!!! "The fix" is amazing, whoever did it, did a great job!!!!!! That Claire could have no hair and still be adorable!