Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer Book Club

When I was a kid I would read outside by the pool for most of my summer, and then bring my book inside for dinner. I guess that was rude, but I just had to keep reading. I love having my Kindle in my purse at all times because anytime I have to wait for even just a few minutes, I can sneak in some reading. Line at the ATM - Kindle! Especially long red light - Kindle! Lunch break in my car - you get the idea.

Here are some books I have read of late that I have really enjoyed:

New York: The Novel by Edward Rutherfurd - a bazillion pages long but you stay interested in this book that follows several fictional families through the history of New York. It goes from the settlement of the area by the Dutch and their relationship with the Native Americans, all the way to 9-11 and beyond.

The Kitchen House, by Kathleen Grissom - another historical fiction novel about the relationships between the Big House (plantation master) and the Kitchen House, where the household slaves cooked and lived.

Bossy Pants, by Tina Fey - way too many swear words, who knew Tina was such a potty mouth? But if you like 30 Rock you will like her quick wit as she tries to explain how she ended up with a super successful career. I don't think I got any real career advice out of it, but I did laugh.

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, by Helen Simonson - a story set in England about an older gentleman reinventing his life after his wife dies. It was a good book and not just for an older audience - better than I expected.

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