Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's Finally Happened

I have been expecting this to happen for a year or so now... Claire was upstairs for about 10 minutes by herself tonight. I knew something was up, but I was enjoying the quiet time with Miles, though I should have gone to check on her.

Claire came downstairs with a huge smile on her face - "Mom, it looks so different now! It's different!" That's when I saw her hair and screamed - CLAIRE!!!! Then she immediately started crying...

Upstairs this is what I found - a lot of hair!

Claire gave herself layers basically - the right side didn't look so bad, actually. But the left side was a hack job. Oh, my little girl! I am not sure what hairstyle will hide those layers, considering you can see her ear. It could have been a lot worse - like bangs up to her scalp :)

Notice the tear


Becky said...

Oh My Goodness!!! My hand flew to my mouth when I saw the first picture of her. I can't wait to see the fix-it cut. Good luck. :)

Lauren said...

I believe chopping off your hair or you sisters hair is simply a right of passage for little girls. Good luck with getting creative with hair styles!

Laura said...

AWWW oh no!!! ha ha ha I think every little girl does this some time in their life. She did cut A LOT though...crazy little girl :)

Erick and Megan said...

OHNO! We have somehow managed to get by without this incident. The after is darling though!