Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

This week I am thankful for:

1. My house, albeit small. We can afford it, so we don't have to stress out about the payment (although the fact that it is worth half of the original price is worrisome...).

2. Miles singing the theme to Harry Potter as a bedtime song. Yes, I know there are no words, but it is the cutest thing to hear him sing, "duh, duh da duh, da duh duh!!"

3. Morning walks before the kids wake up - it's quiet, I am alone, and have time to think.

4. Friends who are brave and kick cancer's butt

5. General Conference talks - I love reading them when I have time to focus vs when I am chasing kids while watching them on TV


Emily said...

That is so cute about Miles singing Harry Potter!! Love it!

It was fun seeing you last night, I had NO idea you left and was sad I didn't even say bye...sorry!

Kara said...

I am THANKFUL for awesome friends like you! Friends that lift me up when I'm down and put a smile on my face when I want to cry! Love you!