Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yearly Check-Ups

Our doctor was sick for awhile so we finally just had the kids' annual exams. Miles hasn't gained much weight though he is much taller - here are his two year stats:

Height - 36.5 inches (75-90%)
Weight - 29.8 lbs (50-75%)
Head - 48.5 cm (25-50%)

We asked the doctor about getting him tested for celiac disease - where he can't digest gluten. I am sure there is a more scientific definition that Betty can tell me. Miles has a rash that comes and goes on his skin, he hasn't gained much weight in a year, and he doesn't eat bread very often. If given a sandwich, he will eat out the insides or lick off the jelly and peanut butter. We thought maybe he knows he feels sick when he eats bread. We were given an order to go to the lab and have blood drawn, but I am still sort of traumatized by holding my kids down for shots... drawing blood seems a whole other level.

Claire has had a major growth spurt - my little girl who had to wear adjustable waist pants so we could cinch them in is now wearing a 5T or even a 6x in some clothes. She is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight at 43 inches and 47 pounds. She had to get FIVE shots at this last appointment, and it was the saddest thing ever. She was behind on one shot, and then a new booster was added for another so what should have been three turned into five shots. All the stickers and lollipops in the world didn't help that day. Now for the dentist next week...

Claire loves preschool, asks for homework to do all the time, and has gone from just knowing her letters and their sound to reading sight words and writing her name like she's been doing it for years, all in just a few months. My little school nerd... I love it!

I can't believe I have a four year old and a two year old now - those last two years have flown by!


Erika said...

Celiac disease is an auto-immune disorder where the body sees gluten as bad news and starts, the villi that absorb the nutrients from the food break down leaving the body unable to absorb food properly...making you sick. Maybe Betty has a better description still. All I know is my girl has it too. The chances of Miles having it are greater since is his grandma has it, at least that's what I read. Grandmas pass it on, or at least someone in the family having it increases your chances. Ha! Make sense of that!

Jacqui said...

Man, Claire would tower over my Babe! I just measured her and she's 39" (barely) and 33 lbs. Such a teeny tiny! Definitely didn't get MY genetic make-up. McQueen did, however, at 49" and 62 lbs. The kid is a LUG. My genetics all the way. :)

Your kids are adorable. It's so fun to see them growing up.