Sunday, July 8, 2012

4th of July Festivities

We spent the Fourth of July with our friends the Jensens - Emily and I both have newborns: her little Brooke was just shy of two weeks old and Penelope is almost two months. The girls took their first of many photos together, this time with matching shirts. So cute and girly - good job Emily! We had a BBQ and fireworks and fun! By the look on everyone's faces, the fireworks were a success!

Here is Claire's drawing of us watching the fireworks:


Lauren said...

Sorry to see that you guys were sick too, a yucky bug is making the rounds. You kids look they had an exciting 4th, love the matching babies! I read your post below and I feel for you, I am pretty sure right after I had Natalie and having a 5 year old and two 4 year olds too was one of the most challenging years of my life! I would have some very hard days but at night when the house was quiet and my baby was sleeping all snuggled up on me I would reflect on how lucky I was and how tomorrow would be a better day. Funny how I didn't have any of those reflections when the kids were all awake but it is hard to feel super loving when chaos is ensuing!

Emily said...

I love Claire's artwork and diary entry! What a creative smarty :) Glad you guys had a great 4th!