Saturday, July 14, 2012


I got my hair cut this week - I felt like I was ready for a change. I didn't cut my hair after Claire or Miles, and I didn't want to do the typical "mom cuts all her hair off after baby" routine. But this time I did. I feel like I basically have my same hair cut, only now it's above my shoulders. I think I had about 8 inches cut off.

I took Penelope with me since I knew it would be a long appointment. She did so well! I fed her while I sat under the dryer, and then she just hung out. That is until I was getting my hair dried - and then she started fussing. I picked her up and she had a huge blow out in her diaper. So, we took a timeout for me to change her. I just threw away her onesie along with the diaper. I am beyond trying to save poopy clothes when I am away from home.

I have never had my hair cut this short - I am not sure how to do it. But, it still fits into a ponytail, my number one hair style criteria. I have simple needs. :)


soggydance said...

I think it looks cute! How funny she had a blowout while you were having one too. I got my hair done yesterday, but passed on the phone drying/styling part. My next hair cut though, I am getting styled! I have never been out of the house while Shelby has pooped....I am sure it's coming though soon!

Jacqui said...

Cute!! I am with you on throwing away poopy items. I just toss pooped-in panties/underwear. Too gross.