Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the Nursery, With a Slide

Mr. Miles had a tough Sunday - he fell off the top of a small plastic slide during nursery class at church and broke his arm. The nursery workers came to get me and seemed very urgent - Miles fell really hard, they said... come quick! Well, how bad could it be?

Bad. His forearm was dented in at an unnatural angle that made me want to cry. But I didn't, and just scooped up Miles and went to get Matt from the primary class that we teach. Miles was crying, but not hard. He was surprisingly calm on the drive to the hospital. We got right into the Children's ER at UMC - I was hoping for a short visit, but knew it could be a long day. Betty came to pick up me and the girls so we didn't have to stay in triage, and to keep Penelope away from all the germs. Almost 8 hours later, Matt brought Miles home.

He broke both the bones in forearm - radius and ulna. They had to heavily sedate him to align the bones, and Matt wasn't allowed to be in there with him because I guess it looks pretty bad when they pull on the arm to put the bones back in the right spot.

The nurse gave Miles a Spider Man sticker - he just held on to it the whole time. He loves Spider Man right now, so it was the perfect choice!

Miles has a splint and sling on now, and then next week he will get a cast. I heard they make water proof casts that kids can swim in. That would be awesome! He is just taking over the counter meds and seems ok - just hard to sleep, and he gets cranky sometimes. Just look at this face!

1 comment:

Stephanie Carmi said...

Oh my. Keep going strong, Shannon. Your children are beautiful and are so lucky to have you and Matt holding their hands! Love you guys.