Friday, July 13, 2012

Prayers Answered

Well, I guess I was mocking the weather in my previous post and mother nature decided to test me. On the hottest day of the year thus far, our air conditioning went out. It was about 8 pm and I felt the hot air coming out of the vent and knew we were in trouble. Luckily we could go stay at the Hiller's house so we packed up our suitcase and headed up to North Las Vegas. By the time we left the house, it was up to about 80 degrees in the house. When we came back a day and a half later to meet with the repairman (all the AC repair companies were swamped with customers this week), the house was around 92 degrees, and it was 110 outside.

Matt had called  a guy in our ward who used to do AC repair and he said if our whole unit was out, that it could be $3,000 to replace it. Well, this would be the absolute worse time for us to get a big expense like that - what with the no paycheck for many weeks and all.  Luckily the problem was the fan, not the whole unit. And it cost $350 to repair. Who knew I'd be so happy to spend $350! The best part was that we had $375 in our cash budget for home repair (we use a cash envelope system for many expenses that are for both weekly costs and for a rainy day). So, I think that was an answer to our prayers - we had just enough to get our house nice and cool again (i.e. liveable).

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