Friday, October 12, 2012

Five Months!

How is this possible? Five months old? The more kids I have, the faster time flies by. Penelope is such a good baby - she is happy and content for most of the day. She does still have her fussy time around 9 pm and is not giving in to the earlier bedtime I would like for her. Most nights she is asleep by 10 pm but sometimes later. She then sleeps until 7 or 7:30 am, so that's why I don't really mind her staying up with us a bit.

She has been in her crib for about two months now (she stayed in our room WAY longer than Claire or Miles), but is still sleeping in a reclined infant seat sitting on her mattress, if that makes sense. At first we had her sleeping in the chair because she seemed to have some reflux and it helped her to be elevated. But now I think she is just used to the chair - and she wakes up quickly if she is sleeping flat in the crib. I think we need to get her used to the mattress soon though, because is going to be rolling over any day now. There is always someone who wants to hold her, so she doesn't get as much tummy time as she should. Still no pacifier, but the bottle is not an issue in the least. So happy she got that one figured out.

I haven't come up with my own favorite nickname for Penelope yet - it will come eventually I guess. She is just a happy, healthy little lady. Love her.


Becky said...

Happy Five Months Miss P!!

soggydance said...

She is so pretty! Shelby has been rolling for 6 weeks and I finally saw it with my own eyes yesterday! Jack caught it on the monitor a couple of weeks ago. We love you Baby P!

Beej said...

She's ever so cute. I'm gonna snuggle her in 2 weeks!!