Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lovin' School

Claire is enjoying school so much - she loves going every day and is so glad she has homework, finally! But it does seem like a lot of busy work already - it has quickly gone from "do these kids know their ABCs" to reading, counting to 100, and sight words.

Here is a project she did in art class - they get to go once a week instead of recess.

She is doing good with it all so far, though I think having 27 kids in her class provides many opportunities to both meet new friends and get her feelings hurt. She is already sucked into the revolving door of being friends one day, but not the next. I don't know what to tell her other than to just be nice to everyone but to ignore people who are being mean. I am sure this is only the beginning. I hope and pray I will know the right things to say and do when the time is right.

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