Monday, October 1, 2012

Miles Man

A few Miles-isms I jotted down recently:

The other day, Miles smelled Claire's hair after the shower, and he said, "Mmmm, smells like polka dots." That's a compliment, since we love polka dots around here.

We just had a full moon, and as it was rising it had some think clouds all around it. Miles called it a spooky moon, and said it had spider webs on it.

Claire got a new doll for her birthday - it talks, pees, coos, etc. It was laughing really loudly and Miles said, "That noise makes my ears crowded!"

Miles wanted to wear this to the store the other day. He took off the cape but insisted on keeping the socks on his hands. They were like super hero gloves and he kept doing a 1-2 punch with them on.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Love the socks on the hands. Gabe has been doing that lately as well. It grosses me out because they are usually dirty socks he just took off his feet!