Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trunk or Treat!

The Star Wars costumes were finished just in time for the Trunk or Treat Friday night  (Nevada Day).  I was sewing Matt into his costume 10 minutes before we walked out the door, but it all came together. We crashed the Jensen's ward party (Sean won funniest costume for his Tooth Fairy) and had a short cameo from Becky Baird, who was in town for the weekend. Miles wouldn't stop smiling once his costume was on, but Claire didn't love her wig - it was itchy. So I will probably have to do her own hair in Princess Leia buns for school this week. I bribed her with candy to keep the wig on for a few pictures.



soggydance said...

World's. Cutest. Family. End of Story!!!

Emily said...

Finally getting caught up on reading your blog. Very cute! So glad you crashed our trunk or treat. We like the photo of Matt and Sean, and I love the ones of Matt and Miles fighting on the lawn!