Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gilchrist Orchards

I am determined to do fun Fall things with the kids - if only to get cute pictures like these and hope that they remember picking out pumpkins and not screaming over a thrown away EMPTY bottle of apple cider that led to our prompt departure... Miles.

Anyway, I love this time of year, love that I finally wore a sweater today (even though I was then hot by 10:30 am) and love that we actually have a working orchard in Las Vegas called Gilchrist Orchards. It's no Apple Hill, that's for sure (an area in Northern California where I grew up with a ton of apple orchards all together with fun shops and apple-themed food), but we will take what we can get in the desert.


Lauren said...

You got some really cute pictures. I wish Vegas had better fall attractions but I am with you, I will take what we can get. Sorry your day got cut short but it sounds like you all had a great time anyhow!

Beej said...

Ha! Miles, that ROGUE.

Jen H. said...

Gilcrease Orchards? Did you tell the kids to wave to Aunt Jen's school? We are named Arbor View because of those orchards.