Sunday, October 28, 2012

Letter from Claire

The kids were not cooperating tonight for bedtime - probably hyped up on the candy they had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After the third or fourth time one of them came out of their room, I was getting pretty annoyed. Their new thing is that they always have a leg ache - never mind the fact that they just walked down the stairs on the aforementioned sore leg. And the second excuse is that they are scared of shadows in their room all of a sudden. I said the only way to get rid of the shadows is to shut off the night light, and that ended the discussion real fast. Anyway, the last time I went up to their room, Claire hands me a folded note. The outside says - I love you Mom. And here is the inside:

I will translate for you: I know that you are so mad now. Here's the deal - I love you.

I couldn't let them go to sleep with the last words from me being something about taking all their candy away and cutting up Miles' pacifier if they come down one more time.... so I went up and said good night and that I loved them and sang a few more songs. Haven't come down again. These are the moments to remember. Here's the deal Claire - I love you too!


Lauren said...

Bedtime has been a challenge at our house too. Hope they grow out of it soon. Love Claire's note to you, so cute and very wise. She knows the deal!

Kara said...

I have SO many comments!! Love your new header picture! This letter from Claire is PRECIOUS!!! You are going to have to rent out a storage unit to save all these kinds of things. I love that she writes you notes, and she's only in Kindergarten! Genius children you have, and adorable too. L.O.V.E. the Halloween costumes- you are amazing!

soggydance said...

Sweetest. Story. Ever. I can never let Shelby fuss to sleep at night either. For naps, or if she wakes in the night that is another story, but I am like you - I always want her to go down happy and peacefully!

Stephanie Carmi said...

continuously adorable, your family. love you guys.